
This is a library of links to useful open-access publications, including guides, case studies and tools, to support teacher-researchers and teacher-research mentors in their work. For additional resources, and for event updates, follow Action Research Resources on Bluesky.

A Handbook for Exploratory Action Research by Richard Smith and Paula Rebolledo guides teachers on conducting exploratory action research, providing clear steps and real examples.

Mentoring Teachers to Research Their Classrooms: A Practical Handbook by Richard Smith provides practical guidance and support for teacher-research mentors and administrators in implementing and developing teacher-research schemes.

The Camtree Digital Library, based at Hughes Hall, University of Cambridge, offers free access to research reports produced by educators from around the world.

Stories of Mentoring Teacher-Research, edited by Richard Smith, Seden Eraldemir Tuyan, Mariana Serra and Erzsébet Ágnes Békés, is a collection of 20 separate reflective accounts of mentoring by facilitators of classroom inquiry in a wide variety of contexts worldwide.